Membership Application

Membership Application

Thank you for considering membership at First Free! There are two basic requirements to becoming a member: your personal testimony of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and your affirmation of the Statement of Faith from our church constitution (included below). In preparation for a short meeting with one of our Elders, please complete and submit the following form.

Marital Status:
Have you been baptized since you came to believe in Jesus Christ?
Are you presently a member of another church?
Do you affirm all ten points of the First Free Statement of Faith?
In what ministries would you like to serve in the future? (This is not a commitment, but simply a survey of your interests.)
Reminders and Guidelines: (1) Testimonies are not primarily about you, but about what Jesus has done for you. (2) Every person who has been saved by Jesus is a miracle. There is no need to embellish. (3) Don’t leave the gospel out of your testimony. When writing, please answer the following questions: (A) Who is Jesus Christ? (B) How did you come to believe the Gospel and profess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? (C) What are you doing to grow as a follower of Jesus? (D) How would you describe your present spiritual condition? (E) What is your pattern for personal intake of the Bible and prayer?